Monday, March 12, 2012

Lets get it on!

I always wanted to start blogging. A travel blog, specifically.

So I did my research. I wandered the blogosphere in search of the appealing, the ambiguous, and the wicked from the world of travel bloggers.

Holy whore! There are many of us out there. Seeing so many blogs, scares me

Despite the fact that I have absolutely no writing experience whatsoever other than my blog hopping habits, I still wanna go on. Something inside me is pushing me to keep the faith in myself (I have plenty of those!).

There are truckloads of travel blogs out there and most of them are really good if not better, but hey, what’s stopping me from starting mine? I wanna be able to start blogging about travel, life, my opinions so take it for what it’s worth, my two cents, etc.

Let’s get it on!


  1. i'm excited with your posts re: travel!!! :)

  2. Landed here via PEX :) And you're right, nobody should hinder you from starting your own travel blog if you're really up for it. Fellow travel bloggers and other readers will definitely learn from your posts!

    1. Thanks for dropping by. I saw your blog and i love it.

  3. Travel blogging is fun! Welcome. ;p

    1. I do hope I enjoy doing it as much as you do.

  4. i so love your posts;) Looking forward to yet another funny hilarious post;)

  5. Thanks. It inspires me that people are actually enjoying it.
